Friday, January 25, 2008

A return to form

So sorry about the lack of posts. My new job has been keeping me real busy and real sober. However I had two events within the last week that harkened back to the old days

Last Saturday, Hubris and I woke at 8am and headed down to Nevada Smiths for the 10am soccer match. We arrive at the bar with empty stomachs, a box of popums, and a desire for drunken sports. About a beer in, Brownsox and Arsenal joined us, and we got down to some futball goodness as only Nevada's can offer. I will not bore you with the details of the match (see Hubris's blog for that), but it was a great game,we won 3-nil, and we drank lots of beer and sung many songs. After the game, my buddies wanted to head home, but I wanted to stay for the next game. Kodez's team was playing next, and it was a big game for them and an excuse to keep slamming Carsberg for me. I hung out and met up with Kodez, but I remained at the bar as he headed towards the other fans. I hung out for about half the game, but the slowness of their game and the many pre-meal beers I had consumed made it clear this morning at Nevadas should end. So around 1pm, I left the bar.

Now what happened to me next is a fairly common experience to many young new yorkers. You head home after a couple of drinks, hit the subway, but fall asleep and find yourself several stops past yours. This is a common sight in this town to see young people have this happen to them. It is not a common sight at 1 in the afternoon, however. Yet there I was, waking up at 125th Street in the early afternoon. Now after heading back downtown, barely awake, I could either go home and sleep, or run errands. I choose errands.

After a haircut and some new shaving cream, I need sleep. really badly. My plan was to get a couple of hours, then head out into the city for some Saturday night fun. Sadly, a couple of hours became 7 hours, and I woke up at 9:30 pm, confused and hung over. Feeling that the evening is lost, I just play Mass Effect until returning to sleep.

This is how my weekend got consumed by a morning at Nevadas. Next up, learn the story about my first work hangover. Coming soon!

1 comment:

The Bourbon Samurai said...

Where's the new blogpost Quantum Jesus Christ What the Hell? How will I know about the sex birthday!


Ah, sweet turnabout.