Friday, October 31, 2008

State of the Boozin

So here as what has been going on since I stopped blogging.

1: I have been doing a lot of ‘work drinking’ i.e. drinking with my co-workers after the show, as appose to drinking with the same group of lunatics I have been drinking with for the better part of this decade. While it is fun drinking with a new group of people, there are concerns. Namely, since I work with them, I am less inclined to, say, down half a bottle of Jameson, set fire to a tablecloth, and steal a street sign. I work with these people, and need them to have the illusion that I am a sane competent person (how that has been maintained is nothing short of a miracle). Thus, a noticeable decrease in idiocy. Some mild exceptions.

A: Rocking out a sweet karaoke renditions of “Sweet Caroline” on a Sunday Night (God Bless the Theatre Schedule). By the by, Irish Rogue has Sunday Night Karaoke.

B: Hanging out at the bar one night, one of the actors was having dinner with his wife and some friends. I decide to mess with him, and tell the bartender to send over the girliest drink he could come up with. The bartender rose to the challenge in ways I could not have imagined. The result was some neon blue martinit thing with whip cream and sugar. My teeth rotted just looking at it.

C: I got a free steak by accident.

2: Hubris and I have taken the 'no beer in the house' rule to strange new places. We decided that the rule should be amended to ‘keep no beer in the house’. The idea is that we do not buy beer as groceries, but if you come home from a long day at work and want a cold one, you can grab a beer at the deli, but you have to drink it that night, so beer does not linger. So, as you guessed, this just leads to Hubris and I each drinking a six back each Monday Night in the comfort of our home. At one point, there were enough empty tall boys that we could have built a pyramid (not a beer-amid, an actual building where I could be entombed).

3: Most of my team has been lost to the Election. This means I am either drinking with my roommate of people I work with. Either way, I am drinking with people I see 6 days a week. I may stab someone soon, hilariously.

3: Catching up on the new TV season. I think I have written about this in other posts, so I will not go into too much detail here. Lets just say that Showtime has way surpassed HBO in terms of quality; I will miss “The Shield” greatly when it ends next month, Every asshole who tells you “Mad Men” is brilliant is right; “Chuck” is so much more fun to watch than “Heroes”, and Thank God “30 Rock” is back.

This covers a lot of ground. Life should change to a more standard form in about a week and a half, and I may go back to some of the old stuff. Also, expect another video game post, as we adopted a baby Xbox.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just another manic Monday

I had a day off this Monday. Days off are rare occurrences for me. Here is what I did.

9am: Alarm goes off. Forgot to turn it off. Damn.

10:20am wake up.

10:22am, check work email. Do productive work stuff via intertron.

10:30am without leaving bed, fire up the Civilization Revolutions. This game is like crack to me.

12:15: Take over the world. Have not left bed yet today.

12:30 Shower. No need for a shave, cause who I gonna see.

1pm Go to Barber.

1:15pm My barber is not in.

1:20 Decide I should join a gym.

1:30 Go to Hubris’s gym, which is in a strip mall three blocks from our house. A appropriately perky cute girl shows me around, trying to sell me on something I already was going to buy. Fill out all the paperwork and whatnot. Am now a gym member. Look forward to meaning to go but not.

1:45 Make use of the stripmall and buy shaving cream and paper towels.

2pm: Return home, drop off goods.

2:10 Return to barber. My barber, an Irish guy who used to be my landlord, is in. He cuts my hair, and we chat.

2:30pm: Leave Queens

3pm: Go to work. Yes it is my day off, but something comes up that is time sensitive, and I left my sneakers at the theatre anyway. Need those for ‘meaning to work out but not’.

3:30pm: Leave work, finishing various tasks and earning brownie points. Return to Queens.

4pm: Hit off deli on 23rd Ave and buy Bomb sandwich, which may be the greatest sandwich ever made. The deli is not open late, so this is a rare treat to be treasured.

4:20pm: Return home. Eat amazing sandwich while watching Sons of Anarchy on Tivo. Should watch Mad Men but in no mood for anything that good. Episode watched better than expected. Hope for show continues.

5pm: Hubris returns home, confused why he is the guy coming back from work and I am the guy on the couch. I also am confused

5:15pm: Hubris plays Assassins Creed in living room. I play The Force Unleashed in my room. All is well.

6:30pm: Hubris and I watch On Demand. Declare that Dexter is great, Entourage may have redeemed itself, Californication has been saved by the addition of Leobin, and True Blood does not merit viewing.

8:45pm: Hubris has crazy plan. Get hammered and watch Speed Racer. I raise concern, but am swayed.

8:55pm. Deli for beers.

9:20pm: Speed Racer begins

9:23pm: I am scared

9:42pm: I am convinced that I am having an acid trip. Hubris will back me up on this.

9:55pm: We finish the beers

959pm: We get more beers. Movie paused.

10:27pm: This movie is a special kind of bad. A magic kind of bad.

10:50pm: We finish the beer again. Debate on to where or not we need more beers

10:52pm: Hubris gets more beers.

11:30pm the movie is finally over. I have no idea what just happened, but I am afraid of it.

Midnight: Bed, with the possibility of going to the gym tomorrow.

Thus was my first Monday off. The perfect mix of relaxation, accomplishment, and stupid.