Wednesday, March 26, 2008

One of those days...

You know those days. The days where the alarm goes off, and you say “really?” But you get up and go through the motions, knowing that no matter what happens, the day is gonna suck.

I am having one of those days. I woke up, and was automatically in a shit mood. No real reason, but everything seemed to suck. Got to work, and everything still sucked. Everything continued to suck, until while screwing around on line, I found this bit of information.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is playing Cobra Commander in the G.I. Joe movie

Despite my crappy mood, this put a smile on my face. The idea that the kid from 3rd rock was playing one of the great villains from my childhood was just too hilarious not to enjoy. And thus, my mood changed. Things seemed un-shitty.

This went on, until I started reading an article in the Times about teenage drinking. The article talked about how drinking is very hazardous to the teenage brain, and that the part of the brain in charge of judgment is not fully formed until 25.

This got me thinking about my college years, where I drank a lot, and I realized that I probably stunted the growth of my brain, or literally drank myself dumber.

And that just sucks.

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